Monday, 14 January 2013

Why do you need a Laundromat?

Over New Years, we make a lot of resolutions; things we want to achieve, ways we’d like to better ourselves, bad habits we should drop. Let’s think about making some changes in our daily routine this year……
We are going to discuss on the most insignificant task of one’s daily routine: Doing Laundry. In our busy lives do we really have the time and the mind of doing laundry on our own? There is laundry everywhere and little time to do it. So who do you rely on for your laundry? Maid? Helper? Washer?
What if we tell you about the most fun and hassle free way of doing laundry! Yes you guessed it right, we are talking about Laundromat services. Now, to Laundromat or not to Laundromat.. that is the question we are going to focus on today. 

         1.  If  you are a student living alone, You need a Laundromat: Living alone and managing studies is in itself is a big task. Where is the time for laundry???

    2.   If you are a working mother, You need a Laundromat: Do you waste the little time you get from work and other household chores doing laundry? If your answer is yes, then it’s time to switch to a Laundromat.

3.   If you are an expecting mother, You need a Laundromat: Your health and mental peace is your biggest challenge at this point of time. Why would you waste the little time left for yourself doing laundry

      4.   If you have a maid for your laundry, You need a Laundromat: Now, we don’t even wish to throw light on this one. We all know how the maids work these days. And if they do work fine *sometimes* ..  isn’t it hard to deal with their daily tantrums? If you are wasting the little free time you have, negotiating with your household maid, then we suggest you to give the Laundromat near you a try.

      5.   If you don’t have a washing machine, You need a Laundromat: Do you still rely on the old school way of doing laundry, let us tell you, handwashing is not a solution to you laundry. Your laundry needs that extra attention and special care, why not give Quick Clean Laundromat a try?

Do you fall in any of the above category? Even if you don’t fall in any of the above mentioned categories, you should give Quick Clean Laundromat near you a try and experience a Quick and different way of doing laundry. Click here to try our services today.